Keeping a global company operating efficiently requires a dedicated team of professionals working together for a common goal.
GALLO's Global Sourcing team works with more than 3,000 suppliers to support and grow our business through efficiency, reliability and high quality products and services. In addition to grape growers, our suppliers include companies that provide a full range of services and support including branded wine imports, bulk wine, contract manufacturing, packaging, energy, corporate services, technology support, travel and raw materials. Working together, we are launching the next generation of procurement strategies providing solutions for e-procurement, e-sourcing and full procure-to-pay processes.
Given our commitment to innovation, we play an active role with our suppliers to achieve best-in-class service which, in turn, allows our Winery to produce world-class wine for you.
- Supplier Code of Ethics and Business Conduct
- California Transparency in Supply Chains Act information
- Minority Supplier Development Council
- Small Business Administration
- Statement on Modern Slavery
- National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) for LGBTQ Owned Business Certificaion
- National Veterans Business Development Council
- Disability:IN for Disability Owned Business Certification
- Women's Business Enterprise National Council for Women’s Owned Business Certification
- SAP Business Network Supplier Information Portal
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What type of information does GALLO want potential suppliers to submit?
A. General information about your company, contact information and a description of the products and services you provide.
Q. What happens after I submit my information to GALLO online?
A. Your information will be entered into our database for future consideration.
Q. Will I automatically be contacted by Global Sourcing?
A. No, however, your information will be held on-file for a minimum of one year.
Q. Am I guaranteed business if I elect to submit a supplier profile?
A. No, all sourcing decisions will be based on the competitiveness of the cost, quality and service level proposed.
Q. What type of businesses qualify for participation in GALLO’s supplier diversity program?
A. Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs), Women–owned Business Enterprises (WBEs), Disability- owned Business Enterprises (DOBEs), US Veteran- owned business enterprises (VBEs), and LGBTQ+ owned business enterprises (LGBTBEs) that are certified by an approved agency to be at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by individuals in the respective groups who are either U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents. In the case of publicly held businesses, at least 51% of the stock must be owned by respective group members. Minorities include persons of color who are Asian-Pacific Americans, Sub-Continent Asian Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans.
Goods & Services Purchased
Global Sourcing is responsible for evaluation and implementation of organization-wide goods and services procurement programs that result in cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers, and ensure highest total winery value.
Packaging Materials
IT Services
Flavors, Concentrates, HFCS, Ingredients
Janitorial Services, Landscaping, Uniforms
MRO & Capital Equipment
GALLO is very concerned with your safety and the safety of others when on-site services are performed. As an introduction to GALLO's work rules, please review our orientation video with your staff before your arrival:
California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Information
GALLO is a leading wine, spirits and RTD company in the United States and around the world. We comply with federal, state, and foreign laws regarding labor practices in all parts of the world where we operate.
On January 1, 2012, a new law came into effect in California called the Transparency in Supply Chains Act (SB 657). The law requires our company and many other large retailers and manufacturers to disclose publicly their efforts, if any, to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from their supply chains. In compliance with this law, the information below relates to our efforts to eliminate human trafficking and slavery in our supply chain.
The vast majority of our suppliers are located in the United States, principally in California. California and, we believe, all other states in the United States, have laws making forced labor and human trafficking a serious crime. So far as we are aware, no supplier to our company, whether located within or without the United States, has ever been accused of engaging in forced labor or human trafficking.
We have dedicated Supplier Development and Quality Assurance teams that try to ensure we work only with reputable suppliers. These teams establish guidelines and programs related to quality and product integrity for our main suppliers. In addition, we strive to ensure that our contracts with suppliers include a provision which requires suppliers to perform in compliance with all applicable laws, including laws against forced labor and human trafficking. GALLO's Supplier Code of Ethics and Business Conduct requires that all suppliers fully comply with all applicable laws prohibiting human trafficking and slavery, including forced, bonded, indentured, involuntary convict or compulsory labor.
We issue surveys and may conduct announced audits and inspections of our strategic suppliers. If we determine that one of our suppliers is in violation with our Supplier Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, we will take any action as we deem warranted. Such action may include working with the supplier to ensure that steps are taken to address the issue and prevent its recurrence, or terminating the relationship with the supplier.